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My highlights goes here

My name is Akinyemi Oluwayemisi Christiana, and I never thought I'd end up as a developer! Curiosity had me enroling for a tech internship program which i dropped out of after a while because oh well, what have I gotten myself into? But I'm not the type to give up so easily, so I began my self-learning journey and i started to enjoy coding especially because frontend allows me to play around with designs and build cool stuff that makes me feel like i've got a superpower. Then I enrolled for the next cohort of that same internship HNG INTERNSHIP and came out as a Finalist where we built a slack clone app and afterwards I kept on learning and worked on different projects like PiggyVest Clone App, SEAMS, Project Tracker and so on. Also worked in a team of developers at FOODBANK.NG, worked as the main Frontend Developer for a Record Label and currently working and Mentoring at HerTechChoice, a remote bootcamp for ladies in tech.

Coding for me now is more than a curiousity-satisfying charade, it has become my lifestyle. I love the thrills of being able to logically solve problems, putting together componenets that users can effectively interact with, making websites and apps that are accessible to everyone. This is a passion that has taught me to be collaborative yet be excellent as an individual. Now, I live it! Want to see some cool stuff i've built? keep scrolling!

Skills & Toolbox

  • NextJS
  • Typescript
  • Styled Components
  • React
  • Javascript
  • Scss
  • Less
  • Bootstrap
  • Css
  • Html5
  • Redux
  • Chakra UI
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • Restful API
  • Swiper
  • Chrome Devtools
  • Visual Studio Code
  • CodePen
  • HTML5 Boilerplate
  • Github
  • Npm
  • Sublime Text
  • Firebase
  • Strapi
  • Netlify

Recently on my portfolio

Payourl is a Fintech web application built with Reactjs that allows users to receive payments via personalized urls. Payourl has features that allows a user to monitor their transactions such as payment and withdrawals on their dashboards with simple but amazing user experience.
Zuri Chat is a platform on which infinite collaborative apps can be built. It is an app that seeks to provide the solution of networking in web3 and sharing workspaces remotely while you enjoy premium entertainment from various plugins. I collaborated on this open-source project with other developers to build out the theme and chess game plugins
PiggyVest is an educational platform that is interactive and friendly and allows you to pick a database course , pay and schedule classes all in simple steps. was built and managed with React and Node.
DarcyFrames is an e-commerce display website connected to paystack shopping platform where you can view and shop for amazinf and aesthetically pleasing wall frames for interior decoration. DarcyFrames was built with React, Swiper and Typescript.
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